Beyond the Festival.
For over a quarter-century, the Hamptons International Film Festival has celebrated the art, beauty, and impact of film. It has attracted people from around the globe, provided a forum for diverse perspectives, and introduced audiences to new worlds, cultures, and ideas. And in 2019, the brand set out to go even bigger. As the competitive climate of cinema grows more complex and opportunities for enriching the world of film more wide-reaching, the organization committed to cohesively communicating its offerings and more holistically showcasing its impact. Introducing: HamptonsFilm. From premiering cutting-edge cinema to championing youth education, the organization expanded its messaging beyond the festival to introduce a new parent company, one that clearly communicated the brand’s nonprofit status, tied together its disparate programs, aligned with the festival branding visually, and conveyed to the world that it is so much bigger than a single annual event. Oh, and they did it all in time for the 27th-annual festival debut.